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C H Lai studied at The University of Chicago for both his undergraduate and graduate degrees. His PhD thesis research was in weak interactions phenomenology, carried out at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, under the supervision of Chris Quigg.


He then spent two years at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, learning the new tricks in perturbative QCD calculations and experiencing Danish beers and May Day rallies.

Since then he has been back to this part of the world, first as a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, then lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor and professor in the Department of Physics, the National University of Singapore. Somewhere in between the years, he was part of the efforts in establishing computational science on campus, and gently molded the developments of nonlinear dynamics and quantum information science in the Physics Department here.  Between 1994 and 1997, he was the Chairman of the Computational Science Program, and later the first Head of the Department of Computational Science. He was also a Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Science, taking care of various research activities and coordination, as well as the graduate study matters during 1996-2000. He held the position as the Dean of the Faculty of Science from July 2000 until June 2003, Vice-Provost (Academic Personnel) of the National University of Singapore, July 2003 to April 2012, and Executive Vice-President (Academic Affairs), Yale-NUS College, May 2012 to July 2014.  He was the Deputy Director of the National Centre of Excellence in Singapore,  Centre for Quantum Technologies, 2007-2022. He has been Emeritus Professor of Physics since July 2022, and currently President Advisor of the Tianjin University-NUS Joint Institute in Fuzhou, China.


新加坡人,出生在马来西亚怡保。早年到美国芝加哥大学留学,获学士,硕士,博士学位。理论物理专业。曾任丹麦哥本哈根大学 Niels Bohr Institute 博士后研究员2年。后受聘于新加坡国立大学。在校其间,行政工作包括物理系与计算科学系主任,理学院院长,学术与教务副校长,耶鲁-新国大学院执行副校长,新加坡国立量子科技研究中心副主任。现为物理系荣誉教授,新加坡国家科学院院士, 新国大荣誉执行副校长,新国大校长顾问(天津大学-新国大福州联合学院)。曾获2015年度星加坡物理学会会长奖,2014年度苏州市科技合作贡献奖,2003 法国学术界棕榈叶骑士勋章(Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques)


Science of cities: of complex systems science in anticipatory urban resilience, particularly forecasting and early warning.


Complex systems: complex networks, pattern formation and self-organization, control and synchronization, and applications in social and cyber networks.

Physics of machine learning: machine/deep learning as dynamical processes; underlying physical principles; applications 


Fellow, Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS)

Fellow, Institute of Physics, Singapore (IPS)

Public Administration Medal (Silver), Singapore

Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques, France

Institute of Physics, Singapore (IPS) President's Award, 2015

The 2014 Suzhou Municipal Science and Technology Cooperation Award, Suzhou, China (2014年度苏州市科技合作贡献奖)


AB (with Honors in Physics) 1974

SM 1975; PhD 1978

The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA

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