Administrative Positions Held
Chairman, Program in Computational Science, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 1993-1996
Head, Department of Computational Science, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 1996-1997
Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 1996-2000
Deputy Director, Graduate School of Science, National University of Singapore, 1997-1999
Head, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 1998-2000
Dean, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 2000-2003
Vice-Provost (Academic Personnel), National University of Singapore, June 2003-June 2012
Deputy Director, Research Centre of Excellence in Quantum Information Science and Technology, National University of Singapore, 2007-2022
Executive Vice-President (Academic Affairs), Yale-NUS College, July 2012-July 2014
President Advisor, Tianjin University-NUS Joint Institute at Fuzhou, China, April 2023-
University Administrative Responsibilities
Member, Executive Board of the Institute of Engineering Science (IES), NUS, 1999-2001
Member, University Curriculum Committee, NUS, 1999-2000
Chair, NUS Committee on University Scholars Programme, 2003-2009
Chair, NUS University Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2003-2011
Chair, NUS Task Force on Practice Track, 2004
Co-Chair, Executive Committee, The Logistics Institute-Asia Pacific (TLI-AP), 2004-2006; Chair, 2006-2008; Co-Chair, 2008-2010
Chair, NUS Steering Committee for the NUS-Fudan Joint Graduate School in Suzhou Industrial Park, 2004-2006
Co-Chair, Executive Committee, NUS Centennial Celebrations, 2004-2006
Member, NUS Space Committee, NUS, 2003-2008
Member, Steering Committee for Integrated Database, NUS, 2004-2006
Member, Manpower Review Committee, NUS, 2004-2006
Member (ex-officio), Nominating Committee for Honorary Degrees and Emeritus Professorships, NUS, 2005-2012
Chair, University Teaching Excellence Committee, NUS, 2005
Member, NUS Corporatization Committee, and Chair, Working Group on Policy and Performance Agreements, 2005-6
Chair/Co-Chair, Executive Committee, The Logistics Institute-Asia Pacific (TLI-AP), 2006-2012
Member, Joint Task Force for Organisational Learning, and Co-Chair, Working Committee on “Hiring and Retaining the Best Faculty”, Singapore-MIT Alliance, 2006-2008
Member, University Committee on Distinguished Appointments (UCDA), July 2006-June 2015
Member, NUS China Strategy Committee, July 2006-2007
Member, the Liberal Arts College at NUS Task Force, April 2007-March 2008
Member, NUS Graduate Studies Task Force, April 2007-January 2008
Member (ex officio), QAFU 2009 USAR Steering Committee, NUS, 2008-09
Chair, QAFU 2009 USAR Working Group, NUS, 2008-09
Member, Senate Delegacy, NUS, March 2010-June 2012
Chair, NUS Research Institute in Suzhou Task Force, May 2010-2011
Member, Management Committee for the NUS Research Institute in Suzhou, August 2010-2018
Member, Committee on Developing NUS as a Testbed for IDM Technologies in Singapore, 2011
Chair, NUS Promotion and Tenure Review Task Force, 2011
Chair, Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, Faculty of Science, July 2016-2023
Member, NUS Research Computing Strategic Planning Working Committee, 2016